Week 8 The FUTURE!

This is the last week. Nice. I was gonna get diabetes from all this Sugar(get it?).

We’ll totally answer these questions today:

  1. What will music selling/listening platforms look like in the next ten years?
  2. Will it be easier or more difficult to download new music in the future?
  3. What sort of music styles will be popular in the next ten years?


Music would probably all be downloaded online in the future because it’s way more convenient. CD’s and record players will be gone. Right now, you can just go on your phone and download a song off Itunes. Imagine what that would be like, evolved. All the online music places would get a bunch of money.

I would say that it would be easier to download music in the future. It’s already easy enough, but technology companies are always trying to find ways to make things more convenient and stylize their tech.

And I actually really can’t predict what music styles would be popular in the future. It would probably reflect the personalities and the likes of the people. It could still be pop songs, or it could be a whole new genre of music people made up. Maybe the songs could be unmusical and not catchy in any way but is viral anyway because of something else. I can’t predict it, but these are some ideas. Maybe covers will thrive. Covers of old songs presented in a new way.


Week 7 The Business

It’s nearly the end of the unit, and now, we’re looking at the business parts of the song, with questions like:

  1. Has my song been financially successful for my artist?
  2. Where is my song available for listening and downloading?
  3. Is there a problem with how available music is today? Is it being illegally downloaded?


Since I’m going to be answering the questions in a backwards order today, I’ll start with C. Music is being downloaded for free on a bunch of websites and I personally do know one. And that is a problem, because the artists who make the music don’t get any money they deserve out of it. You can just search the song up on Google and download it easily. It’s so available!

You can normally listen or buy songs like ‘Sugar’ off Itunes and Google Play Music and Spotify. But of course, there are still the illegal sites where you can download everything.

And now, the last/first question(see what I did?). Yes, the song has been incredibly successful! It hit number 1 on a bunch of charts, as we covered in a week before. I’ve actually tried to search it up but I couldn’t actually find how much money they made off the song. I could find that ‘as of August 2015, it has sold 3.3 million copies in the United States.’ That’s a lot. That was nearly a year ago. It’s $2.39 on Itunes and Google Play Music. Imagine that times 3.3 million. A lot.

Week 6 The Structure

It’s week 6, and we’re coming into the serious parts of this unit, and today, we’re looking at the structure of the pop song I chose.

Here’s a simple list of the parts:


Well, it does have a lot of information. Also, here’s some timbre used in the song: A bunch of guitars, including an electric guitar, bass guitar and synth bass, drums, keyboard and some some synthesizers.

Here’s a graph: (Not perfect)

more MUS

Week 5 The Artists

Week after week, this routine is killing me. But I still have to do it. Oh well. More sugar for my tea.

Let’s talk more about the artists of the song. Let’s answer these questions one at a time, and first is: Is this song different or similar to my artists’ previous music? Why?

Well like I said before, the styles of the songs has slightly evolved and some songs are made differently but this song was pretty similar to the ones made previously, when there weren’t to many special effects you could put on the track. But enough to make the song modern.

And next is: What makes my song so popular?

Well that brings me back to why I liked the song, which is partly to do with this. I liked this song because it had a good tune that wasn’t to hard, it has a nice rhythm and beat and it’s just a good song. But to mix science into this, we like music because our brain likes the patterns. Maybe Maroon 5 found out how to make a really nice pattern, and the song is now viral.

Week 4 The Artists

And I’m back for another week! Did you miss me? Wait, since this is all on a blog, you’ll see all these posts at the same time. Oh well.

Seems like we’re moving into another topic: The Artists! The artists of my song is Maroon 5, so I’ll be researching in to them. So I’ll be answering these questions:

What sort of music does the artists of my song make/perform?

AND Has their overall style changed or stayed the same over time?

Again, copied and pasted. But except I changed some words because there are a bunch of artists, not just one. This is nearly useless information.

Well searching up Maroon 5 on Wikipedia, it says Maroon 5 is an American pop rock band that does funk rock, which is of course, a mixture of funk and rock. Its songs are normally defined by some bass, some electric guitar and a drum beat. Neo soul can be described as making soul music new, by injecting music of today into the timeless soul music. And soft rock is pretty much rock, with more attention drawn to the lyrics and melody instead of a hard beat.

And then there’s the harder question: Has their overall style changed or stayed the same over time? Well I think that they have actually explored more ways to make their songs, and their style has slightly evolved. They’ve gotten better, and explored more things since Maroon 5 was originally Kara’s Flowers.



Week 3 Introduction

It’s the next week. Another post is coming…AND IT’S HERE! But I totally need some sugar to keep me going. ;0

I’m here to tell you about: How successful or well-known is my song currently? Where in the world? What is my song about? Is there a story the artist is telling? Copied and pasted.

Well, the song is pretty popular. There is 1,251,726,094 views on the music video on YouTube. It hit number one on a bunch of charts, and I think that’s good. It’s really amazing, you know? NEXT!

I think it’s probably known all over the world, or at most places at least. It was really popular in Canada, the USA, Mexico, South Africa, Hungary and South Korea to name some famous places. NEXT!

The song is about a guy wanting a woman’s love but she’s always away and that guy feels weak. That sums up the song in a sentence. That’s also the story.

Week 2 Introduction

Hi! I’m Kevin Cheung!

This is my blog about a popular song from the last 10 years and as you can see on the title, the song I picked is Sugar, by Maroon 5. When I picked the song, I forgot that it was explicit, but I don’t think that matters too much…

Well, in the first paragraph, I answered one and a half questions: What pop song did I choose and who wrote it? Next is: What is the song style? I’ll search it up on Wikipedia. And it says the song is a ‘disco, funk-pop, new wave and soul song.’ To break that up, it means the song is a danceable, rhythmic, twitchy, jazzy type. And then the hardest question of the 3. Why do I like this song so much? I think it has a nice rhythm, I think it’s catchy and I think it has a nice tune overall. Oops, actually not so hard.

Well here’s the link to the music video. I put the link to the MUSIC VIDEO because I think music videos give you an image of the song too.